Title: if I could wish one thing Character: Yoochun Rating: Gen Word count: 1151 Summary: Yoochun comes back. Author's Notes: For the open challenge at dbsk_flashfic.
Title: Comeuppance Pairing: OT5 Rating: Explicit Summary: Jaejoong's a tease, but the others have a plan. Author's Notes: For peppery, who I told I'd never write OT5 like this.
Title: ici c'est nous les rois Pairing: Yunho/Yoochun/Junsu; OT5 Rating: PG Summary: A free day, in Paris. Author's Notes: ranalore betaed. Written for keiko_kirin in the holiday fic exchange at nuna_fanworks.
Title: just for one day Pairing: OT5 gen Rating: G Summary: 6 moments in a day. Author's Notes: For audient's birthday, and the 'timelines' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.